Damn all the good books!

Puisi keren dari Goodreads, yang nulis namanya Gabe.
Cucok banget sama daku, hehe. Meski nama-nama pengarangnya bisa diganti biar lebih cucok...


Damn all the good books
They call out my name,
I reach out to read them all,
Falling flat on my face with shame,
The timeless classics Don Quixote would say,
The newfound glories, Clancy and James Frey,
The poets like Poe and Dickinson
Ms. Emily I feel your pain
But I haven't the time
To read every non-rhyme and clear the shelves of Humor,
Mystery, History, Architecture 

and all the good books call out my name "Bend my sheath." "Break my spine." "Get familiar with me."
 I haven't the time.
Damn all the good books! 


  1. curhat kita2 bgt..so many book so little time to read..hehehe..

  2. Yup. Damn it all. Apalagi kalo lg tongpes buat beli. Hihi...

  3. Damn it beneran dah!pas lg tongpes ee togamas gejayan diskon 30%all item

  4. Semoga bisa menjalani bulan Februari seutuhnya tanpa belanja..sakaaaaw..

  5. so many books so little time to read...
    dan kadang-kadang
    so many books so little time to translate... *mengenang tawaran terjemahan buku menarik yang terpaksa kutolak karena keterbatasan waktu*

  6. tuuul, rasanya pengen satu hari 100 jam yak, dew, hehe

  7. ambil cicilan di bank *setan* hahaha!

  8. ah, masak, gak cayaaaaa....
    kalo sakaw ama buku, aku tuh biasanya pusing2, agak mual, obatnya: ke toko buku: nyium bau buku baru rasanya udah 50% sembuh, hihi

  9. padahal pengen bgt order terjemahan ke femmy ;)

  10. pengen juga terima order dari mbak dee :p apa daya, waktu tak ada, hiks...

  11. laris neh kayaknya, hihihi. mudah2an someday ya, fem... ;)

  12. ck..ck..ck.. kata bu guru, ga boleh bilang d*m*
    apakabar Dee.. kemana ajaa.. (atau saya yg kemana aja kali yak?)

  13. Haha!
    Aku gak ke mana2, Uni, di sini aja, hehe. Ih, kangen deh ama Uni. apa kabarnya? Alhamdulillah, kalo aku kabar-kabur, hehehe....


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